Halloween this year was pretty boring for us. No trick or treaters (since we live in apartments) and since we had school the next day and homework to complete we just stayed home. However, we didn't ignore the holiday altogether. A couple days before Halloween we carved a pumpkin. It was a very intimidating picture that we chose to do but I think it turned out pretty well.
This is us really consentrating on the task. We both couldn't fit around the pumpkin without bumping elbows so we took turns. Usually we love bumping elbows but we figured that would be a bad idea with knives in our hands and a very important pumpkin to carve. That would be bad to mess up! After all we only have one pumpkin but we have 10 fingers.
Today is Thanksgiving and it is the start of my favorite time of year. My birthday is on Saturday and I have lots of fun things in store for this weekend, including eating way too much. Mom just cooked an amazing dinner and I am breathing heavily even though we ate a couple hours ago...I think it might be time for dessert!
My sister Heather was caring enough to pass along a blog tag that her friend Bella passed to her. This means that I have to list six things about myself. I hope some of you find this entertaining. I tried to think of things you might not know about me.
1.) I have been absolutely obsessed with Salt & Vinegar chips latley. For those of you who have never tried them you really should. I have always had a love for salt. I find myself buying fries just so I can drowned them in salt and lick the container. These chips really are great for my salt cravings. However, I can not get enough of them. I found myself trying to chew without using my tongue because it was raw from them. And no, I am not pregnant, this is just the way I am. I am actually nervous that my cravings could get worse when we do get pregnant. Maybe they will just go away.
2.) I have just learned more Turkey songs in a week than I have learned my entire life. For those of you that didn't know, I am doing my student teaching right now at the elementary school and naturally the week was full of Turkey songs and games. In fact, Bob told me that I was singing one in my sleep the other day. At least I usually kept the Turkey noises to myself.
3.) Another major addiction I have is my Moms cranberry sauce. I wait all year to eat it and I cover everything on my plate with it. Mashed potatoes have never been so pink. This year I decided to help my mom make it so I would be able to watch and learn. It was a really easy recipe and I found out that the first Thanksgiving she had it was the year I was born. She just got back from the hospital after having me and a family invited them to come over for Thanksgiving dinner. This was the first time she ate it and asked for the recipe right away. It was fate that this delicious jelly came into my family's lives just days after I did. Call me if you eat the canned stuff and I will show you what your Turkey is missing.
4.) I am a Black Friday addict. Black Friday (for those of you in the dark) is the day after Thanksgiving that all the stores put on sales and open their doors at 4 in the morning. The crowds are insane but the sales are amazing. I love the challenge and Bob and I plan out exactly when and where we are going in the morning. All of the Christmas shopping gets done and I get the smug satisfaction of knowing that I got your gift at half off or more.
5.) Bob calls me his cat. My mom has called me that for a while but he started it without even being prompted by her. I love the sunshine. My favorite thing is to curl up in the sun and take a nap. Even if the sun shinning on the living room floor I will just bring a pillow and blanket down there and curl up. He also says I stretch like a cat. I arch my back in the morning when I wake up and usually push him off the bed in the process.
6.) My nickname in my Ward is the "baby-snatcher".We are in a very young ward (well, actually one of those newly-wed, nearly-dead Wards) and there are always new babies around. I pick out my favorites and then proceed to make friends with their parents. I always keep Cheerios in my bag to lure them closer and then bribe them to be my friend with all the stuffed animals and toys that I bring for "singing time." I also ask people if they would let me watch their kids. They think I am joking at first but after me offering a couple dozen times they finally take the hint. Last night we had a little boy named Malachi spend the night and he was so cute. He is super smiley and talkative and we had lots of good cuddles when he got up this morning.
Ok. I finally did my duty and finished Heather's tag. Now here comes the fun part. I get to pick 6 people to do the same. However, I don't know 6 people with blogs that haven't already been tagged so Mutti, Mike, and Nancy, you are it. Give me a call if you have any questions.