
A Cardinal Position

You may recall our blog post "Spilling the Beans" from about a year ago where we formally announced the pending arrival of our two sons. We did so using a picture that included a fortune from Panda Express that fit our situation. I don't think Chinese fortune cookies really foretell our future, but I find it interesting when a fortune cookie fortune lines up with real life events. This is in contrast to the fortune cookie I got a while back that said, "Ask your mom." I'm still not sure what that means. I asked my mom and all she said was "MmIiLlKk." Anyway...

Here's my latest fortune cookie fortune:

I hope you don't think I have been advertising for Panda Express. That's what I intend to do here: Panda Express Orange Chicken has changed my life forever! Mmmmmm...

For a minute there I almost forgot what I was blogging about. I got a new job! Starting at the end of this month I will be working at Cardinal Health as a Senior Analyst in their Finance Operations department here in Albuquerque.

I know a lot of people aren't very familiar with Cardinal. I didn't know much about them until I applied for a job with them recently. Here are a brief history of Cardinal Health:

The company started out in 1971 as a food wholesaler called Cardinal Foods before making it's way into the wholesale drug industry after acquiring a drug company in 1979. They've continued to grow over the years, mostly through various acquisitions and they are now the 19th largest company in the U.S., according the Fortune's annual ranking of the 500 largest American companies. They employ over 30,000 people worldwide.

As a finance nerd the Fortune 500 list is pretty fascinating. Based on their revenues, Cardinal is bigger than Wells Fargo, Proctor & Gamble, Target, Boeing and Microsoft. It's also more than twice as big as Intel or Coca-Cola and over three times the size of Sprint, Allstate, or Google. I'm not sounding like a Finance Analyst or anything, am I?

Emily and I are extremely excited about this opportunity and we feel like this change will be very good for our family.


jsibley said...

Congratulations! Way to go Bob. Be all the finance nerd you can be!

Team Aries said...

I think someone is going to need a brand new pocket protecter!