Along with graduation often comes new employment. The timing for me, however, was truly amazing. Just 3 weeks before graduation I was offered a job with First Federal Bank in Albuquerque as a Commercial Credit Analyst.
I guess I better explain what this position is just in case some of you don't have a Finance Degree. When a company approaches our bank with a loan request we take a look at a bunch of their financial information (Balance Sheets, Income Statements, Tax Returns, etc.). Even for small companies this can be a plethora of information. The first thing we (I) do is take these dozens of pages of information and input it into special software so that we can analyze the company's financial standing by looking at just a few pages of information. Once I get trained I will be doing quite a bit of analyzing, but for now I'm doing mostly data-entry. Once we analyze the information we have we are able to make a good recommendation as to whether the company is likely to pay back its loan.
This job might sound boring for many people out there, but for a number nerd like myself it is perfect (for now) and the salary is right around the average for graduates with Finance Degrees.
At about the time I made my exit from the Pest Control Industry and into the Banking Industry, Emily was making exactly the opposite move, leaving Banking for Pest Control. I know, it's weird. For about a year and a half Emily worked as a secretary for Preventive Pest Control. Well, things at the Credit Union became less than desirable for Emily so she went back to Preventive where there's less stress and less drama. It's not teaching, but it's better than Banking and she's making more money...